
Episode #8: Sean Bell - Ultra Runner 4000km's in 60 Days


What it takes to be an ultra runner

Sean Bell is an ultra runner who has completed approximately 100 marathons, 2x 24 hour runs, won the Bali Hope 84km Ultra and this year ran 4000km’s from Cairns to Melbourne in 60 days! (60-80km per day)

He’s taken the knowledge accumulated from these massive efforts and harnessed it to co-found a run coaching platform called First42k, where he is passionate about helping others to reach their running potential.

What's in this episode?

In this episode we talk about about the mindset, discipline and strategy behind planning a huge event such as the “Cairns to Melbourne 4000km’s” and what it takes to complete such a run.

We also cover topics on running for beginners, techniques that help with long distance and the crucial role strength and conditioning plays in running. 

Sean is an expert in the running space with so much knowledge and wisdom to share - tune in and enjoy!

Available on all major streaming platforms. 

Listen on Spotify below

To watch the full episode on YouTube click here.

To keep up-to-date with Sean Bell, check out his Instagram here.

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