Mental Health

Episode #9: Casey Lyons - Founder of Mental Health Organisation LIVIN

casey lyons livin mental health organisation squeeze the juice podcast

Taking mental health seriously

As part of our Movember campaign we wanted to wrap up the month with a chat about all things regarding mental wellbeing.

Casey Lyons is the founder of LIVIN - an organisation that promotes positive mental health for people through education and awareness programs.

Casey, a former chippy by trade, founded the company after losing his best mate to suicide.

What's in this episode?

In this episode we cover everything from mental health and wellbeing, things to look out for in your mates and loved ones, what covid revealed about our mental state as well as how to listen and offer support to those who may be going through a hard time.

The statistics around mental illness and suicide are very high, so understanding and having awareness around this topic may help to support yourself or a loved one who is struggling.

Available on all major streaming platforms. 

Listen on Spotify below

To watch the full episode on YouTube click here.

To keep up-to-date with the LIVIN organisation, check out their Instagram here.

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